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Josh's Blog

It's like fresh air, without all the hype.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

McD's trials and tribulations

In one fell swoop, McDonalds Store #23812, which I had proclaimed as the best of the McDonalds stores has fallen to the worst. Never to be visited again.

After paying for my food, and waiting at the window for over 5 minutes to receive it, I continue on my merry journey back to work. Halfway there, I blatantly disregard all traffic laws, and pull my fries out of the bag to begin eating. Only to find a small fry in the bag. Grab the receipt, it confirms what I said at the order microphone with the fancy LED display, the sign reads (this sign for order accuracy), I had ordered a large fry.

S happens, I eat the fries.

Once inside work, I grab for my double quarter pounder, open the box, and I get a free gift, double triple extra ketchup with a side of hamburger.

My feud with god continues.


At 2:21 PM, Blogger Matt said...

see this is the same McDees that gave me the bucket of soda all over my car......i loath them


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