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Josh's Blog

It's like fresh air, without all the hype.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Beer Festival

Went to the Schlafly Hop in the City yesterday, I was a "volunteer", I served alot of Coffee Stout to alot of drunk people. And my oh my was there alot to look at. ( . Y . )

I rode the Harley, and it worked fine, until I left and went into Illinios. Once I got to my mother in laws house, it wasnt idling right, and so I had to mess around with it. I ended up flooding it, which I had expected I would do, then it wouldnt start, and when it did, it was missing badly and puffing out raw fuel, so I left it there for the night, figuring it was fouled plugs, or at worst a blown head gasket. When I went back this morning, I brought new plugs, but it still wouldnt stay running, so I trailered it home in the worst rain it will hopefully ever see.

I got it home and took the aircleaner off, and found my problem, when I was messing with it, i had made the choke cam skip a tooth, and it was partially closed. Fixed that and she's good as new.

Started tearing apart the main bathroom tonight to put in a tile floor, pretty uneventful, the floors rotted around the toilet flange, so i'll scab that in, no biggie.

My cable has been broken since Friday, so I guess I'll just go to bed now.


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