The Matt to English translator
For those that dont know, Matts hands refuse to work at all while typing. Every day I have to spend countless time trying to figure out what he is talking about. So, in order to share this humor, I will start posting all the good stuff here.
MD(12:45:48): not me you see im M A double T
MD(12:45:54): i prolly shouldnt rape
JW(12:46:00): freaky
JW(12:46:13): or rap
JW(12:46:29): but definately not rape
MD(12:46:42): no i prolly shouddnt do that
MD(11:30:53): i refuse to learn how to spell saturday
MD(11:30:56): REFUSE
JW(11:31:06): um, thats right
JW(11:31:09): saturday
MD(11:31:20): only cause i copyed and pasted
MD(12:31:46): startign to get alittl chub about making my own FF site
9-16-05 (he means Lynard Skynard)
JW(10:55:08): Bush: New Orleans will rise again
JW(10:55:13): so, the south will rise again?
MD(10:55:22): yes
MD(10:55:37): according to lnard kynard
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